It was a little after 7 o'clock in the morning and the sun started to appear behind the highest mountain guarding the Thai city of Chiang Mai. My breath moved slowly in and out as if in meditation and a smile was decorating my face while sitting in the orange robes in front of my master.

"Are you sure you want to leave the monkhood life?" he asked me with a father's expression of love. He gave me the permission to become a monk 10 years ago, saying that "you will learn how to heal yourself so that you later can help others." Now, he wasn't worried or sad to hear me wanting to leave, he just made sure that I am sure about my decision hoping that this is not the end but a beginning.
In the last 10 years as a monk, I gave numerous lectures in several languages, in different countries and on many different topics. Now, as a layperson without the rules and restrictions of the monk's life, it will be possible to use or spread the wisdom, knowledge and tools that was taught to me, far and wide and in a way which can appeal people from different religious background.

"Yes, I am sure", I replied with my strong and determined voice. "No regrets and no looking back", became my mantra since that very moment. I am going to start my new chapter looking forward and creating my future while stepping forward in the present.
When I finished that conversation the skies looked brighter, the birds sang more harmoniously and things seemed more peaceful. What's now? NOW. That was the answer that I trained myself as a monk and trained so many others throughout the years and this is the same answer I give myself now, in every moment.
That is the highest of teachings, the goal and the path leading to it.
